Course Management

Archiving Past Completions and Re-enrolling Learners in a Course

If you would like learners to re-take a course they’ve previously completed, you will need to archive their last completion and re-enroll them in the course.

Note: You cannot archive enrollments for learning plans, but you can archive and re-enroll users to the courses belonging to learning plans.


1. Login to

2. Click the Admin Menu in the top-right corner.

3. Click “Course management.”

4. Search for the course you’d like to re-assign.

5. Click on the icon under the Enrollments header.

Re-enrolling a Single User

6. To select a single user to re-enroll:

  1. Search for their name in the search box.

7. Click on the three dots to the right of their name to bring up the action menu.

8. Click “Archive enrollment”

9. You’ll then have the option to archive their current enrollment and re-enroll them. Then, click Archive Enrollment to complete the enrollment.

Re-Enrolling Several Users

10. To select several, but not all learners (see the next section for re-enrolling all learners):

  1. Search for their name.

11. 2. Select the checkbox next to their name.
3. Then search for the next user and select the checkbox next to their name.
4. Repeat as needed until you’ve selected all the users you’d like to re-enroll.

12. Click the Choose Action button in the bottom-right corner.

13. Click “Archive enrollments”

14. Click “Archive enrollment”

Re-Enrolling All Learners

15. To re-enroll everyone in the course, select the checkbox in the top-left corner, next to the word Usernames.

16. If you have multiple pages of users, make sure to hit “Select All” at the bottom of the page.

17. Click the Choose Action button in the bottom-right corner.

18. Click “Archive enrollments”

19. Click “Archive enrollment”

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