Training Implementation

Creating & Configuring Learning Plans

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to create learning plans, add courses to them, and enroll learners. It also covers important settings such as deadlines, expiration dates, and certificates of completion.

If you would like to talk about automating part of this process, please reach out to

Tip: Learning plans are curated sequences of courses that form the backbone of personalized learning journeys, fostering individual growth and reinforcing institutional risk management practices.

Whether assigned to individual users, branches, or groups, learning plans serve as crafted learning experiences, guiding learners through structured pathways of courses and resources.

Accessing the Admin Menu

1. Login to your account on

2. From the Admin panel, click on the gear icon to access the Admin Menu.

Creating a New Learning Plan

3. Click on the Learning plans item in the E-learning section

Tip: First, we’ll create the learning plan shell. This is where you will set the properties for the learning plan itself. You’ll add courses and enrollments after this step is done.

4. Click the green plus button in the upper right corner.

5. Then click new learning plan.

6. Create a code to help you identifying the learning plan. Example: InstitutionNameNewHires

7. Name: Set the learning plan title so that it is simple and clear. Enter your learning plan name. Use the naming convention of: your institution’s name + a description of the learning plan.

Example: UEUniversityAnnualTraining

Short description: It is displayed under the title of the learning plan on the learning plan page. Use it to add extra context to the title when needed.

Description: The learning plan description helps users to have a better idea of what they will learn. Configure the description layout using the available formatting options, as well as include links and images.

Then hit Next.

8. Enter in your institution’s full name.


Tip: The learning plan shell was created! Now it’s time to choose the learning plan settings. The General Settings are the ones you just set.

10. Next is the Learning Plan Additional Fields area where you can add your institution’s branch code.

11. Enrollment options: this is where you can enable and copy a self-registration/self-enrollment link.

12. Click “Branch Code”

13. Click “Enable the enrollment link for this learning plan” to generate a link.

14. Choose Time Options to specify how long the learning plan will be available for a learner.

15. Click “Enable a validity period for this learning plan.” The learning plan will lock once the validity period has expired and learners will need to reach out to you to unlock it if they need more time.

16. Click “Catalog options” if you would like the learning plan to show up in the course catalogue for learners to self-enroll.

17. Click “Certificate Template” to enable the course certificate.

18. Click “Content Retraining” if you would like the learners to complete this learning plan on a regular cycle.

19. Click the “Completion” field to choose how frequently the learner will retake this.

20. Click “SAVE CHANGES” to save your learning plan.

Adding Courses

21. Click “COURSES”


23. Search for the courses you’d like to add. Then click the checkboxes next to the course to select them.

24. Click “ASSIGN” to add your selection to the learning plan.

25. Click “ASSIGN” to add your selection to the learning plan.

26. ### Prerequisites

Independently from the course sequence, you can arrange the hierarchy of courses in a learning plan, ensuring that learners must complete a prerequisite course before enrolling in another, potentially more advanced course. The course that must be completed first is the prerequisite for the following course.

To configure prerequisites, while on the Courses tab, identify the course requiring prerequisites and click on the icon of the Prerequisites column in the corresponding row. In the Set prerequisites panel that opens, select the prerequisite courses and click on Next. In the Completion options tab of the panel, set whether learners must complete all the prerequisite courses or only a number of them. When selecting the second option, type the number of required prerequisite courses.

27. You can rearrange the course order by clicking on the four-way-arrow symbol and dragging the course up or down.

Enrolling Existing Learners

Alert: You can only add existing learners using this set. To create new learners, see our guides on creating users manually or through bulk uploads.


29. Click “ENROLL USERS”

30. Enroll specific users, your entire branch, or groups.

Alert: Any user added to a group after the group is enrolled in the learning plan will not be enrolled in the learning plan.  They will need to be manually added, or the group will need to be removed and readded.

31. Click, “Confirm,” to save your enrollments.

Activating Your Learning Plan

Alert: Learners won’t be able to self-register or enroll in this learning plan unless you publish it.

32. Click “Status” and select “Published.” Then Save Changes.

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