Accessing the Portal

Registration and Login

Welcome to your learning platform! This article will guide you through the login options available in your platform.

Registering for a New Account

1. If received login credentials from your training administrator (the person who assigned you the training), proceed to step ##

2. To register for an account, you’ll need to know your institution’s Branch Code. The Branch Code is your institution’s ID number in our system and ties your account to the institution. If you don’t know your institution’s branch code, please reach out to the person who assigned you the training for assistance.

3. To start the registration process, click on the link provided to you by the person who assigned you the training. If they did not provide you a link, you can register by clicking Register under the sign-in box on

Alert: Registering on may not automatically enroll you in any courses. You can enroll yourself in courses from the course catalog by following this guide.

4. A pop-up registration form will open. Fill in all of the required and recommend details.

You may be asked to fill in extra mandatory details on a second page of the registration form,  and to accept the terms of the privacy policy and/or the platform terms and conditions. Once ready, click Register.

You will receive a confirmation message on the screen, and your platform will send you an email. Press the link in said email to confirm your identity.

Signing into the Learning Portal for the First Time

5. To login, navigate to the UE Learning Portal at and login with the credentials provided by your training administrator.

Enter your username (typically your institutional email address) and the password you received. Then click Sign In.

Resetting or Recovering Your Password

6. If your login credentials don’t work, try resetting your password using the Forgot your password? link.

Accepting the Privacy Policy

7. You will have to accept all mandatory acceptance messages upon logging in or registering into the platform on the corresponding forms on the login page. You cannot access the platform without giving your consent to all mandatory acceptance messages or sub-policy messages.

You will be asked to renew your consent every time the Privacy Policy is updated.

At any time, you can access the Privacy Policy and review your acceptance from the My Profile area.

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